Role and Location
Professor Stephen Fowler is a Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Honorary Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Clinically he works in the regional severe asthma service, with a particular interest in the investigation and management of complex breathlessness. These clinical interests and experience in severe asthma and associated airways diseases feed directly into his research programme.
Professor Stephen Fowler graduated from the Universities of St Andrews and Manchester (1995), worked as a house officer and senior house officer at various hospitals in the North West, obtaining MRCP (1999) whilst on the medical rotation at North Manchester General Hospital. 1999-2001. Clinical Research Fellow in the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee (Supervisor: Prof Brian Lipworth). “Clinical Application of Bronchial Challenge in Asthma: its Relation to Markers of Severity and Dose-Response during Treatment with Inhaled Corticosteroids”, awarded MD University of Manchester 2003. 2001 – 2005. Specialist Registrar training in respiratory and general medicine in East Anglia, and included sub-specialty training in pulmonary hypertension and cystic fibrosis at Papworth Hospital. He took up his current post in January 2006, initially as HEFCE funded clinical lecturer (promoted to senior lecturer 2016, professor 2020) post with duties split between research and teaching at the University of Manchester and clinical work at Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Research Interests
Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Respiratory Research Group, Division of infection, Immunity and Respiratory Medicine. His research interest include; 1. Breath Analysis in Respiratory Disease, 2. Asthma. He is the clinical PI for Manchester in the €22m UBIOPRED IMI consortium, which aims to characterise and discover novel phenotypes in severe asthma. He is the PI for Manchester in a consortium awarded €4.5m (EC Horizon 2020) to investigate home monitoring / sensing in asthma in collaboration with computer modelling experts (CERTH – Centre for Research & Technology Hellas), clinical researchers (Chung, Usmani at Imperial and Sont in Leiden) and industry (Aerocrine, Allertec and IHP Microelectronics). He leads clinical research into the neglected conditions of inducible laryngeal obstruction (vocal cord dysfunction) and breathing pattern disorder, which hopefully will be driven forward over the short to medium term.
Teaching: Postgraduate Tutor for Division of Infection, Immunity and Respiratory Medicine; undergraduate clinical lead for Manchester: Medical School Phase I Semester 2 (Respiratory / Cardiology / Haematology).