Seeing the Green in Blue: NHS Net Zero Case Studies
On 1 July 2022, the NHS became the first health system to embed net zero into legislation, through the Health and Care Act 2022.1 The NHS continues to champion sustainability and share value principles throughout the organisation.
Reaching a net zero NHS will require action across all areas of the NHS.1,2 This includes direct interventions within estates and facilities, travel and transport, supply chain and medicines. But also the enabling actions of the NHS workforce including sustainable models of care, networks and leadership, and the right funding and finance mechanisms.1,3
The purpose of this presentation is to showcase the great work already been undertaken and to enable best practice to be shared amongst NHS colleagues.
Dr Katherine Hickman takes the opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of reducing the NHS carbon footprint and supporting in the journey to net zero.
Dr Anu Mitra, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, will present on a carbon reduction project, recognised by NHS England, which reduced unnecessary cannulation at Charing Cross Hospital.
Richard Podmore from the award winning Frome Medical Practice talks about the practice, its sustainable operations and highlights specific areas where they have been able to reduce emissions, costs and waste on site.
1. NHS England. Delivering Net Zero Report.
2. The Health Foundation. Net Zero care: what will it take?. September 2023.
3. NHS England. System progress. Case studies.
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Dr Katherine Hickman
GP, PCRS Chair and Respiratory Lead
Dr Anu Mitra
Consultant Emergency Physician
Richard Podmore
Sustainability and Evaluation Lead