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  • Respiratory
  • Sustainability

Creating a Net Zero GP Practice

“Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.” This statement opens and sums up the final report of a year-long Commission held jointly between The Lancet and University College London (UCL) Institute for Global Health, and published in 2009.1

The NHS is responsible for 4% of all UK carbon emissions, and therefore there is a need to reduce carbon footprint wherever possible. To support the NHS in achieving these targets, the NHS has recently published guidance entitled ‘Delivering a Net Zero NHS’.2 This document provides a comprehensive national-level framework for action on climate change and sustainability and states that ‘every NHS organisation has an essential role to play in meeting this ambition’.

‘Delivering a Net Zero NHS’ also outlines guidance for how NHS organisations should develop a three-year strategy to reducing emissions, offering key areas of focus and some of the main sources of carbon emissions as a starting point.2

In this presentation Dr Matt Sawyer explores different approaches as to how a GP practice may reach Net Zero.


1. Managing the health effects of climate change: Lancet and University College London Institute for Global Health Commission, The Lancet, Vol 373, Issue 9676, 2009, pages 1693-1733, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60935-1

2. NHS England – Delivering a net zero NHS https://www.england.nhs.uk/greenernhs/a-net-zero-nhs/

Further educational content on this topic is available on demand on the Chiesi Medical website podcast page, which can be accessed at www.chiesimedical.co.uk/podcasts/

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  • Dr Matt Sawyer

    General Practitioner

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